who would you drop $10,000 for


let me just say im not a simp or trying to provoke rate inflation.

If you are semi successful in life 10k is just several weeks earnings, and thanks to two dumbass presidents who printed money and gave money away to everyone, 10k isn't that much money nowadays, i saw a utr asking 15k for an overnight in tryst.

My only 10k is Kenna James, but she declined she surprisingly answers her email.

I know 10k is mostly an overnight rate, but overnights for me are a waste, unless drugs are involved.

Id also like to walk up to a big name at the AVNs and say hi I have a new onlyfans site (lie) and would like to invest in it by doing paid collabs with big stars like you, worst this she says no and move on.

so who's your $10k