Macey Meadows Birthday Giveaway


Staff member
Well, just when I thought giveaways were becoming extinct, one pops up and slaps you in the face. Macey Meadows is having a Birthday Giveaway in honor of her birthday on the 30th. There are several prizes being offered, with the top prize being a dinner date with Macey herself. Interesting, no?

There hasn't been much news on Macey since she stopped doing professional shoots. She's mainly been creating her own content, and with her new site up and running, that's what she'll continue to do. Macey was best known for her niche in teen-themed content, which she played very well, and her water gun shows, which could compete with the best. She was very versatile in her shoots, whether it was B/G or G/G.

Everyone knows how I feel about these types of contests. To me, this giveaway could be nothing more than a FAF (Fuck A Fan) contest. They all have the same goal: to make you spend money for zero chance with the provider. I always say it's easier to go direct than waste your money on nothing. Still, I could be wrong, and Macey's giveaway might be different. If it is, I'll eat my words, but I have a feeling I'll be hungry.

If you're interested in this giveaway, you can email Macey here. For information on the experience she offers you can visit @PepeSilvia post here.

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