It ALWAYS pays to be a gentleman..


Staff member
I mean that literally. Always treat the girl you're seeing with respect and always leave the session on a good note, if not, things could turn ugly (not in the literal sense).

I´ve know a fair amount of escorts over the years. I´ve been close with some of them. The escorts that I´ve been close with has told me that they all have WhatsApp groups where some 10-40 girls are in the same group. They're going on about how their day went and they also talk about the clients.

If a customer has been visiting a girl and if he was violent, haggled on the price or was rude, you can be damn sure that these girls would know it. As soon as the client steps out the door he would be blacklisted from that specific entire area. He will be watched carefully.

So, avoid doing something they don't like at all costs. That´s common sense for all of us but you´d be surprised how many clients that are rude to these girls and not just by name calling them (Bitch etc) and how many clients are physically on the verge of violence if the girl doesn't do as the client pleases.