Curious about A Devils Threeway


Staff member
I’m always the type of person who will try something at least once in my life. I approach everything with that attitude since it seems to open doors to unexpected places for me. What I have been avoiding for quite some time is being in a devil’s three-way. For the somewhat uneducated, that’s a threesome with myself, a woman, and another male. For obvious reasons, you all know why someone like myself would avoid that kind of encounter, but I have been wondering about it as I dive into the hobby more every day.

The biggest reason I’ve avoided this is because there will be another dong in the room other than my own, penetrating the female provider and the provider only. I don’t think I'm a fan of that. You can call it an insecurity or whatever you want, but I’ve never been in that situation before. At the same time, I’ve heard of providers being interested in fulfilling this type of client request. Not all are into it, but there are enough to have me thinking about it myself. This, along with me never doing this before, has piqued my interest.

Just for clarity, I’m not going for the porno equivalent of a threesome. We all know porn isn’t real, and to think that’s what I’d expect from this is childish, in my opinion. Life isn't a porno as much as we all cling to it. You'll just end up unfulfilled. Still, it never hurts to try.

For me to go through something like this, a number of factors would have to be in play. First, I’d have to know the other dude. I’m not saying we gotta be BFFs or something, but we gotta at least be cool enough to laugh it off later on. Second, the provider has to be cool with it. Preferably someone that has seen us prior to get those jitters out of the way. Finally, actually that’s about it. Didn’t realize how little I needed to really do this. Still, it just comes down to me being okay with it myself and being well enough mentally to do this.

It would help if anyone who has actually been in a three-way could shed light on this. Hell, I still gotta experience my first threesome with two women, and even that gives me anxiety. As much nervousness as it gives me, I'm still gonna do it.