Visiting escorts cured my depression

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Staff member
Visiting escorts is amazing and many of them are good women, if not all of them. They Have good intentions.

In this post i’m talking about REGULAR escorts. Not PS escorts, for once.

Many of these girls are living in hell. They have dug a deep hole for themselves.
You can read more about that here

That’s why it’s important to always treat them with respect. Most clients do that while other clients abuses them.

In 2018, i feel into a deep dark hole. A depression.
Despite What Andrew Tate says, depression is a real thing. It ends lives.

Escorts got me out of it. I visited escorts, a dozen of them and bit by bit, it changed my mood for the better.

Escorts are non-judgemental and i needed that. It’s also amazing how you can tell them things, whatever is on your mind and they’ll just listen. They’re actually not only sex-workers but good therapists for any mental condition that you might have.
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