The "swedish" model..


Staff member
As a citizen of a nordic country I think we need to have a talk about the swedish model, whether it is working or not.

In short, the swedish model punishes clients and not the girls. The punishments can wary and it´s based on whether it´s a first time offense or a client has received multiple fines. The punishment can, in rare cases, be imprisonment.

So does the swedish model work in order to counter "trafficking"?

No, it does not. There are many swedish escort sites where the girl advertises. The escort business is still thriving in Sweden. I know because my former SB/Escort was working in Sweden and she managed to earn over 90.000 SEK, which is about $8200 over the course of three weeks.

Will a similar model be implemented in Nevada or elsewhere? That is the big question since it seems like every country´s leaders are attacking the industry, left and right.

I personally think that prostitution should be legalized everywhere. Studies shows that less r*pe crimes happens in the countries where prostitution is legalized.