Sticker Price Means Sticker Price


Staff member
Sticker price has been coming up a lot more in my circles. Some of us have this notion that we can negotiate prices even through the initial email, which is very brave but also very stupid and will, without a doubt, put you in a negative light.

When I say Sticker Price, I mean the hourly rates that are given to us by the provider. Whether you see it on their website, social media, email, text, or whatever, these are the prices given to us by the provider that should be upheld during the entire booking process. It shows you respect the provider along with their profession. So, to hear that clients are actually trying to negotiate prices has me confused and also feels like a slap in the face to the hobby.

I can understand if this was during the Backpages days when all you had to do was have the provider drop a number and you negotiate that with a pack of Skittles and a 50-cent juice, but we're past those days now. Back in the day, it was extremely easy to navigate the hobby, since all it took was a quick text and you were with your provider within the hour. But we've all leveled up since then. With said level up comes a sense of decorum, and negotiating a price after the rates are laid out in front of you is tacky.

I will admit, sticker prices these days can be very high. In a span of a few years, we went from the average PS provider rate jumping to heights we shouldn't have seen until 2027, but thanks to certain economic times and the force of nature that is the pandemic, the process sped up. Giving us what we have today, prices that not many of us can keep up with. Elite companions are still very affordable when you factor in the time-to-rate, though even some providers here are slowly raising their prices. Very slowly. This really isn't great, but to be honest, it comes with the hobby and it really all depends on what you can afford.

In my opinion, negotiating any price lower than the sticker price for your provider will only end up bad for you. Either they'll say yes to you lowballing them and give you a shitty experience, or they'll say no and probably drag you through the mud, blacklist you, doxx you, or any other humiliating thing that's possible in this climate. Either way, you lose. So, don't be that person.