Question about Escort behavior?


Well-known member
Look, I know it’s all transactional and everything is fake,

But why would a escort get mad at you for contacting one of her friends?

Little backstory, she was with an agency, went UTR independent, she only met a few regular clients,

I kept seeing her and started to had feelings for and told her and she told me that she doesn’t feel the same,

but she continued to see me a couple more times as one of her regulars,

I saw that one of her friends might also be UTR and texted one of her friends to see if she was available,

Bu the next time I tried to set up with her, she got mad at me for texting her friend and said to leave her alone and that I’m playing games with her

What’s the point of getting that mad? I’m still paying her

Unless, she did feel something for me and got jealous for some reason,

Crazy, never mix professional and personal
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