Pornstar Escort Q&A: Jordan Maxx


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So you were originally from Minneapolis. Correct?IMG_7065.jpeg

Yeah. I still live in Minneapolis.

King: Oh, you still do?

Jordan: So I travel for porn. I fly out to LA, Miami, and Vegas.

I read somewhere you're originally from Minneapolis, but when you started shooting professionally, you started off in Florida. Was that a big culture shock for you going from Minneapolis to Miami?

Not really. I mean, I had been to Miami before on vacation. I lived in Los Angeles for three years, and I lived in Chicago for a while. So I'm used to being in big cities with lots of energy and nightlife.

You were a tour manager, a professional massage therapist, a stripper, and you're a content creator. What made you pursue porn when you took so many other roads?

I started stripping when I was twenty. I haven't done it in two years now, but for the last fifteen years or so I would dance on and off. I like being my own boss. I like being in charge. I don't really like answering to other people too much. I don't like being micromanaged. I'd always kind of had an interest in porn, because being a stripper for fifteen years some of my coworkers were doing porn back in the day. They were doing Suiside Side girls and Razor Dolls and stuff like that. So, I had always had a slight interest in it. I was hesitant to do it when I was younger, because I wasn't sure of the direction that I wanted to move my life in. So, I held off on it. I’ve worked in the music business. I worked in the fashion business. I worked in the beauty industry, none of that was for me. I feel most comfortable in sex work.

You watch your own movies. You’re a very rare breed, because I know a lot of actors and actresses will not watch their movies. Why is it that you do?

I am my own biggest critic and I'm always striving to do better, get better, and improve. So I feel like watching my content, especially the mainstream. I wanna see how they edit it and everything too. I watch it to see where my weaknesses are or where I have an opportunity to approve. Whether it’s finding the light better or making a transition from position smoother. I'm just always trying to prove my craft, I guess.

King: Okay. So, you're a professional professional.

Jordan: I try.

The first time I ever saw you was when you were pretty much telling your truth about a certain situation. I'm not gonna name what the situation is, but you told the truth about a certain influencer and when I saw that, I wasn’t skeptical. I was like, holy shit. Have you ever had a problem like that with a celebrity trying to basically cut corners just to try to see you?

No. Actually, no. Everyone other than that guy has been really respectful and professional. This guy just tried to do a bait and switch. He approached me super professionally. "Hey, I'm launching a podcast. You know, we're both Minneapolis. We're both different kinds of content creators, but we're still content creators with a platform. I'd love to talk about whatever." I was totally down for that. Then it was like, oh, by the way, we could make a video for your Onlyfans. I said no. Then he’s like, "I don't wanna do the podcast." And I was just like, okay. I didn't know anything about his history until I posted my story. He's local to Minneapolis. This guy is kinda like a danger to the community. Like, he's a predator, so I thought I should warn other women. So many more women came forward. Women who aren't even in the sex industry. He didn't have any good intentions at all.

p1211515.jpgDid the provider come first or did the pornstar?
The provider. I started out in the strip club. I was get a guy in the VIP, and he'd be like, let's go back to my hotel. I was doing that for a while and I realized that wasn't the safest way to do things, obviously.

King: Right, yeah.

Jordan: Randomly one day a local provider found my civilian Twitter because I have a personal Twitter and I have a professional Twitter. Actually, I didn't have a professional Twitter account then. I hadn't created Jordan yet. She kinda took me under her wing and taught me the ropes, so I'm really appreciative of her. She taught me about safety and gave me some safety advice, stuff like that.

King: Was it that easy in the stripper days? I don't do strip clubs. I don't really know how it goes, but really?

Jordan: Yeah. It wouldn't happen, like, all the time every day.

King: Right.

Jordan: Once or twice a week, it'd be like, okay. So, You already spent six hundred dollars on me in the VIP room and now you're offering me another thousand to go to your hotel. Like, okay, like, no brainer. I have student loans.

King: Okay. Another reason to go to a strip club, I guess.

So, what's your favorite sex position?

I really like doggy. It feels the best to me. I'm pretty vanilla. When I'm in a relationship with someone I don't sleep around. In my personal life, I prefer to have just one partner. I'm pretty monogamous that way. So, when I'm with my partner who I have feelings for and have created intimacy with. I really like missionary, to be honest.

How do you make a client comfortable?

I just be myself, I guess. Working in a strip club for so long I'm pretty good at talking to people. I'm pretty good at reading people's energy and their body language. I did make some changes to my incall which really helped clients get more comfortable, because when they first arrive I require everyone to take a shower.

King: Okay.

Jordan: Just for hygiene purposes. The one time I didn't make this dude take a shower. He told me he took one before coming. I was like, okay. I was sucking his dick, and he goes “Yeah. Can you taste my girlfriend's pussy on that dick?” I was like, excuse me?

King: Oh my god.

Jordan: So I was like, yeah. Okay. New rule, everyone has to take a shower. No excuses. If you don't wanna take a shower when you get to my incall, you can leave.

King: Oh my god. That's disgusting.

Jordan: Yeah. Some dudes could be heinous. Anyways, so I require them all to take a shower and I provide them with bathrobes.

King: Oh, wow. That's nice.

Jordan: Which is something they tell me. I don't want them to take a shower and then have to get back in their dirty boxers or their dirty work clothes, you know?

King: That's true.

Jordan: I bring a robe for them and while they're showering, I change into my robe. So we're both, like, chilling with robes on. It's really nice, relaxed. I've got candles burning. Well, fake candles because of the fire hazard. I keep it low light, because I know some guys are shy: I have refreshments at my space, bottled water, sodas, beer, wine, liquor, like, I provide that. I have little snacks.

King: Okay.

Jordan: I just really want their experience to be a pleasant one, and I want them to be able to be comfortable and enjoy their time with me. So I feel like doing those little things just to improve the environment. I feel like that goes a long way. You know, I feel like it makes them feel appreciated. As valued a little bit more.

King: That is honestly the best answer I've had since I've been doing this. Not a lot of providers, go the extra mile like that.

Jordan: It's just a little little thing that makes a big difference.


What do you think is your best sexual trait?

I think I have really great tits. I really, like I love Dick. Like, I love cock worship. I love giving oral. I've heard I'm pretty good at that. You know, lots of eye contact, lots of spit, like, not too much spit. I don't really like the super sloppy, like, drool down my face and stuff. You know, keep it well lubricated. Pay attention to the balls.

What turns you on in a client?

When they treat me with respect. When they treat me like a person. Not just like a breathing flashlight. When they're polite. When they're respectful. When they smell good. When they take good care of themselves. Confidence too. Confidence is a big one. I get a lot of guys who are, like, ”Oh my god. I'm such a big fan. I'm so nervous. Like, I don't even know. I can't believe this is happening right now. I don't even know.” Stuff like that. No, I'm just a person. I'm just a hot girl who's here to take care of you. Like, it's not that big of a deal.

King: Saying it is one thing. I always tell my friends if you don't have the confidence, fake the hell out of it. Even fake confidence will do something. Even me, I saw one of my all time favorites not too long ago and I was gonna walk in there with pure confidence. But, the moment I walked in there, I turned into mush and it was so hard to get back from that.

Jordan: Yeah.

King: You're a hot girl and we're about to do something, but regardless of the fact you're a hot girl, and we're about to do something. So, that really gets in your mind, you know.

Jordan: Another really big turn on is if they make an effort. If they bring a bottle of wine. If they bring a bouquet of flowers. Like, it doesn't even have to be anything crazy. Just a little something, some chocolates that we can share or massage oil. I'm not even talking about extravagant designer bags. Little things to know that they know that they wanna be there and they're appreciating this time with as much as I appreciate my time with them.

King: So, something just to show that this is a transaction, but we're still in that moment.

Jordan: Right. I know a lot of pornstars do the PSE (Pornstar Experience), but I am more comfortable doing the GFE (Girlfriend Experience). Like, going out to dinner, going to a show, going to a sports game, you know, and then going to have some fun.

Are You fetish friendly?IMG_7063.jpg
To an extent. I am pretty, I'm pretty vanilla as it is. I'm not big into femdom. I got a request today. A guy asked, do I do ball busting? I was like, no. A lot of that fetish, especially the BDSM sort of things you need to be trained for. You can't just go into it blindly. You're gonna hurt them. You're gonna hurt yourself. A few fetishes that I absolutely do not tolerate are race play. I will not do race play and I will not do age play, like DDLG (Daddy Dom/Little Girl).

King: Right.

Jordan: Foot stuff, panty hose, you know, stuff like that. I don't advertise that way. I don't get a lot of inquiries, but the few that have slipped through the cracks and don't read my ad, you know.

King: There are a lot of us that don't like to read the Ads. A lot of us.

Jordan: I keep my Ads short and sweet. I think I have maybe one or two paragraphs. I'm just like a straightforward type of person. In my Ad I say, I like staying in with a bottle of wine, but I also like going out to dinner in a show.

You don't tour a lot. Why is that?

No. I don't tour a lot. I do FMTY (Fly Me To You). I don't tour because I focus most of my traveling on shooting mainstream porn.

King: Okay. That makes sense.

Jordan: That money does come out of my pocket. I have to pay for my flights. I have to pay for my lodging. I have to pay for my car. I have to pay for my food. I'm also a home body if we’re being honest, I like being home. I am planning on relocating next year to Los Angeles, back to Los Angeles. I like that I have the separation between my job and my personal life now. So, Yeah. I will do FMTY. I don't really like touring. I'm available in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami when I'm out there, but If you aren't in the Minneapolis area or any of those three main cities and you wanna see me, you're gonna have to do a FMTY.

Are you okay with recording in any of your sessions?

For an upcharge. Paperwork needs to be filled out. Just to ensure that they're not going to release the content for profit.

How much of Jordan Maxx are we getting in the session?

I mean, I do my best to give it my all every time.

Who would be your favorite person to have a duos with?

I have done duos mostly with just local providers. I did a duo a few weeks ago with Piper Press and that was really fun.

King: Oh, wow. That had to be fun.

Jordan: We had a really good time. Then I've done duos with some providers here who are retired now, including the woman who reached out to me and took me under her wing.

King: Those would be your favorite people to have a duos with.

Jordan: Yeah. Just because I've already done it–

King: And the chemistry is already there.

Jordan: Right. The chemistry is there. We know each other. That makes it so much better when you know who you're working with and you have a friendly rapport with them. It makes the interaction with the client a lot more genuine.

18001257_006_cac6.jpgHow much longer do you plan to provide?

Until the wheels fall off. For as long as I can, as long as I'm getting bookings, I'll provide. I'm a social person by nature, as much as a homebody. I say I'm a homebody, but I'm really an entertainer by nature. I've got a margarita machine in my apartment. I've got a full bar. I've got a dartboard.

King: Wow.

Jordan: I've got kittens. So, you know, instead of going out to the bar, I just have everyone over to my house.

King: Oh my goodness. That sounds super relaxing.

Jordan: Yeah. You know, everything's so expensive nowadays. It's less expensive. It's more intimate because we're not yelling over super loud music. We're not, you know, making dudes leave us alone. Like, you know? So, I'm an entertainer by nature. I've always been an entertainer. I was in cheerleading in high school. I was in show choir. Like, I've always been a performer. I'm a people person. I like meeting people. I like building connections with people. I like when there's a certain amount of trust with my clients. I like doing this. I'm gonna keep doing it as long as I can. Same with shooting porn.

What makes you stay independent and not join an agency?

I was independent. Then I joined an agency and I had a really bad experience. I literally had one client with that agency and I left the agency literally the next day. I prefer to communicate with my clients prior to meeting. Just to get a vibe of how they are in their emails. What their vernacular is like, how they speak to me. Feel like I can learn a lot by via their communication methods. If I get a text that's like, "hey, baby, you up," I'm not.

King: Right. I gotcha.

Jordan: Now, if I get "Hi, Jordan. My name is blah blah blah. I'd really like to meet you. Can we set something up?" You know, stuff like that. I like doing my screening myself, because I know I can trust myself. My safety is up to me. It's not up to someone else.

What is our best way to get in contact with you?

[email protected]

Definitely not Onlyfans, Do not message me on Onlyfans.
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