Ohio "Provider" infects Clients Purposely


Staff member
This is the scariest thing in the world to me. I'm not even joking—seeing something like this sends shivers up my spine in more ways than one. Knowing this is part of my hobby is even worse.

The story goes that an Ohio sex worker, Linda Leccesse, has been knowingly spreading HIV to her clients. She has been providing services up and down the East Coast and has seen close to 211 men. Linda has known she has HIV for two years, yet she continued seeing clients. Linda is far from someone any of us would book; I highly doubt anyone would even look in the direction of this psycho. Regardless, this is still pretty scary.

There have been times in any of our lives when the heat of the moment takes over. Once something has started, it's really hard to stop, so you give in, not caring about the consequences or what may or may not have just happened to you. I've been in this situation, and I thank God that I haven't caught anything. The fact that there are people in the world who don't care about infecting others is insane. As clients, we are most likely to run into such people, and even though they might not look like Linda, it makes it even scarier.

Linda is going to jail for infecting all these people, but that won't fix what she's done.

We have to remember to get tested regularly and to make sure your provider is tested also before you see them. I know there's a lot of gives no fucks hobbyist, this is not aimed at you, it's aimed for the clients that care about their health and the health of others. Be smart, Pervs.
