Most over-the-top gift that an escort has received?


Staff member
I was looking through my Twitter feed and i follow alot of escorts so the algorithm makes sure to show me plenty of things in that Industry under “for you”.

A post popped up, it was by a “faceless” (girl that blurred her face) escort.
It showed a Rolex on her wrist and the caption was “Had a wonderful time, you’re the best 😘

The most expensive gift i ever bought an escort was a $2000 Versace necklace but as i now has concluded, there is ballers with a capital B giving these girls Rolexes, first class tickets and even cars (extreme cases).

That got me thinking, What’s the most expensive thing that you have ever seen/heard that an escort received from a client?

Gentlemen of this forum, chip in.
Also for the girls on this forum, please Enlighten us if you’ve ever received an expensive gift.