Madi Collins Slow Burn in the Industry, Big Burn in the Hobby


Staff member
If you've been on X (formerly Twitter) and are a perv like yours truly, then you know that Madi Collins isn't looking too good in the industry right now. In less than 24 hours, Madi Collins single-handedly damaged her career, and when she tried to fix it, she only further worsened the situation. It's looking like some dark days for the red-headed beauty, but brighter days for us in the hobby. I wish Madi a prosperous career, but I'm not going to act as if this can't be a win for us.

Yesterday, the entirety of the adult industry came after Madi with the force of a thousand suns. Women I haven't seen post in a while came out of the woodwork to let their disdain for Madi be heard, and it all started with a simple tweet.

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With this simple tweet, females all through the agency turned their attention to her. They saw this tweet as very disrespectful, given that women with larger labia than most cannot control this. Some have even come forward saying they had Labiaplasty surgery and this tweet was just very insensitive to their feelings. With this, Madi quickly became one of the most hated women on porn Twitter.

Soon after, a number of other allegations came to light as if the floodgates had opened. Adult actresses left and right gave their two cents on Madi while also posting stories about her that quickly gained some traction.

Madi took to X to let everyone know this tweet was nothing but clickbait. It was made to get herself more followers but in an ironic turn of events, it did the exact opposite of that. There's no doubt in my mind this will hurt Madi in getting some work in the foreseeable future, given how a number of actresses refuse to work with her right now. With that, Madi just might be more available to see clients. As I said, I don't wish bad on anyone, but I refuse to not see an opportunity when it's presented.

If you want to see Madi and don't know if the time is right, the time is now. Give Madi that FMTY that she wants or just wait for that big tour to drop soon, because it's coming.

My two cents: I don't so much see what the big deal is about. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I'm really trying my hardest to see this from a woman's point of view and I'm coming up blank a bit. I don't know if what Madi tweeted is a joke, and if it is, I don't think it's funny. A part of me believes she didn't mean any harm when she posted this. Again, I'm not a woman, so maybe I'm not reading between the lines.

Also, I have a hard time believing that this is something that will stop her career. This might slow it down harshly but as for stopping her adult career, I highly doubt that. With all the things happening in the industry today, scratch that, this week, something like this isn't going to do much to her career. There have been a couple of allegations this week alone that us sent the industry in an uproar. Somehow I don't see this tweet doing to much.