Kira Fox Might Need Some love


Staff member
Screenshot 2024-06-15 095227.pngI always say you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. What you see on social media doesn't portray their real lives and often they show you what they want you to see, however, there are somethings so horrible you have to take as gospel given the severity of the matter. Which is shy I think we should show some love to Kira Fox.

Last night, Via X (formerly Twitter), Kira gave us the play by play to her be assaulted on the Los Angeles streets. Last night, While walking she was assaulted by four men and two women after seeing that she was carrying around an expensive bag. They were able to steal her IDs along with whatever else she had in her possession. The thieves also beat her and made a very bad gash on her hand that without a doubt will require medical attention.

This is all coming from Kira being homeless. This is news to many people given the outlook Kira portrays online, but like many people she didn't want others in her business.

If anyone wants to help Kira she has her Cash App up on her X. IMO, if she helps out the community by being a provider there's nothing wrong with sending a little lover her way.