How much South American escorts earn..


Staff member
So, in my latest thread on this topic, i got into how these south american girls got into escorting.

Personally i think it’s a quite interesting topic, so i decided to follow it up with this thread.
This time we’re going to unveil just how much these South American escorts gets to keep for themselves.

As you already know South American escorts almost always have violent gangs behind them, those gangs gets them rooms in the countries that they’re told to visit.

Once the girls are there, they go to work.
Their passports are RARELY taken (despite that most modern movies shows the opposite).

The girls usually pays $100-150 for rent per day, even if they have 0 clients.
They also give upto 70% of what they earn, to the gang/mob they are a part of.
The girls still has to pay for flight tickets, transportation around and food themselves on top of this.

I’m from Denmark and there was particular case that i remember hearing about from a reliable source.

The case was about a South American girl who had gotten caught providing, later, during interrogation, she told the police that she was being trafficked and actually pointed out who was behind it all.
The girl in question was from Argentina and didn’t speak english.

She explained, in court, that she was only keeping $50, while the full price for one session was $150.

The police later detained a guy here that the girl pointed out but the cops couldn’t get the traffickers back in Argentina as it would take too many ressources.

As the girl was trafficked and under tight control from a gang, she was only handed a 5-year ban from entering Denmark and that was it.


My former sugarbabe was/is from South America and also explained some of this to me. Bit by bit, over 6 months.

It’s pointless trying to “save” these girls or to befriend them (i know that now). They have so many problems (financial wise) that no one would be able to help them.