Has anyone taken a side job helping a performer or inside the SW industry?


I’m sure most of us have heard the phrase “Work smarter not harder”, with the new year upon us and reviewing my finances I’m trying to set my budget for the hobby, for 2024.

Going down that rabbit-hole, got me thinking about maxing my free-time outside my 9-5. I’m in a HCOL area and there are decent amount of nightclubs/strip clubs.

The nice part of my job is that the work hours are flexible but, they don’t want you to go in OT. So, I was considering applying to a local strip club as a security guard and rotating my 9-5 to a 11-7. The place I was considering hours are 8pm - 2am daily.

While taking on a 2nd job is hard work, I’m not doing it solely for the hobby. If I take on another job and get the hr rate I’m looking for + work 24-30 hrs weekly, I would be debt-free by the end of 2024 without losing any change in lifestyle & still hobbying. I also think it could help with building a connection with local UTR’s in my area + other providers.

For those of you who have done something similar, how sustainable is it working 14 hour days? Switching from white collar work to security at a club with no experience? Is there anything else I’m overlooking?

While, I think a security guard makes the most logical sense in my situation, I’m curious what the community’s experience is working for performers and in the SW industry in any capacity.