Are most "average prostitutes" broke? (My experience)


Staff member
That’s certainly my experience from the number of "average escorts" I’ve known throughout the years. This topic has been brought up before but not to this extent.

When I say "average escorts," I do not mean average-looking escorts but rather girls whose prices are in the $200/hour range.

I’m sure we all have this illusion that escorts are filthy rich (or at least make more than an average income each month). We’ve either heard it on podcasts, seen it on TV, or read about it online, but that’s where the illusion stops. It isn’t real. I’ve never met an escort who was wealthy, rich, or even above average.

Most of these "$200/hour" girls aren’t even profitable, and it indeed gets worse as they age since almost every client wants the "new hot young woman" and not girls who is 40 years old. That’s the hard reality when it comes to "cheaper" girls. By "cheaper," I don't mean these girls are worth less at all, let me point that out.

I’ve known some incredible girls throughout the years; some of them even became good friends.

As I said earlier, most of these girls I’m talking about here are not even profitable. They have to pay for food, room rent, plane tickets (round trip), new lingerie, etc. Most girls pay around $100 to $150 per day to rent a room with basic amenities such as condoms and lube.

I’ve had girls cry in my arms because they didn't have enough money to send their kids to school (or continue to pay for it) etc. You can’t help but feel a little bad for them.
And yes, I have seen one or two of the girls bank accounts before and they are not lying.

Although, with that said, many of them did do something to end up in that situation. Most of them are in HUGE debt to the wrong people (It´s not JUST South American girls), often well above $500,000, and it takes these girls YEARS to settle it. Only then can they become profitable (depending on their age and various other factors).

Can we do something about it, does "tipping" help their situation?
The answer is a resounding NO even though it´s always a nice gesture of course.

Moral of the story: Just because the media writes article after article about "how much money" escorts makes doesn't mean that it´s true. Far from it.