Another Celebrity Hit By the Provider Bug


Staff member
The easiest relationship I believe exist, is the one between a client and their provider. Everything is based off of one key factor in that relationship, confidentiality. What is said between a client and their provider isn't to be mentioned outside of that. Yes, there are some gray areas this site being one of them but even we know to keep certain things to ourselves respecting the provider and everything they do for us. What Alexis Andrews did doesn't fall in the line of that grey area.

Without throwing to much out since the video is right there. Alexis was invited to Sean Kingston's house I guess to spend time there. She and Kingston start going at it and "things" weren't working exactly. Alexis is telling all this in a podcast to the entire world. Lets forget that Kingston is a celebrity for a moment and focus on him being a client, there's no reason to drop that much information on this client. None whatsoever.

I keep forgetting not all providers are trying to make their career in escorting. This shows a couple of things. First, Alexis is very much a fan of building clout, which if that's your thing it's fine but that doesn't have to be built off the backs of clients; celebrity or not. Second, this tells us regardless if you're a celebrity or not the client/provider confidentiality doesn't exist with her. This is a pretty big deal in my opinion.

I'm not knocking the experience she delivers, because from what I hear it's pretty damn good. I'm just saying certain things need to be kept to ones self. Hope Kingston learns to pick his providers better.

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