Angelica "Venus" Costello Retiring


Staff member
Ftna-MLX0AUfdR_.jpgThis was a very pleasant surprise to see today. It's been provider after provider leaving the hobby, and sadly, Angelica Costello, aka Venus, is soon to be one of those retired providers.

If you don't remember, I had the pleasure of interviewing Venus last year. Our interview was historic; she told me so much about the industry from when she started and compared it to how different it is now. I wanted to include so much more in the interview, but it was just too much to put down.

Anyway, losing a provider like Venus is a significant hit to the hobby. She's been providing for well over two decades, and to lose such wisdom, especially with the hobby being what it is right now, hurts. We're losing a lot of well-respected and treasured providers. Venus isn't just a provider but a porn legend. She's starred in hundreds of movies and brought those scenes to life in her sessions. Whether it was a gangbang or a simple B/G scene, Venus always brought amazing energy to whatever she was in, and I can only imagine the energy she brought to her clients.

With all the recent providers retiring this year, many have been using it as a ploy to see clients. They say they're retiring only to come back and let us know it was just a promotional trick to gain more clientele. It's a little underhanded but not something we're not used to. I really hope this is what Venus is doing. There's always life after providing, but I really thought she'd stop when the wheels fell off.

As we speak, Venus is on her way New York to start her retire tour. Be sure to show her some love.

For more information on Venus you can check out our interview. Have fun Pervs!