Alex Harper Underrated


Staff member
If there is a regret I have in my life since coming into this hobby, it's not seeing Alex Harper much sooner. I have to admit I dropped the ball not seeing Alex sooner, because I let what I saw on social media really cloud my judgement.

To start this off. I did see Alex Harper and it was pretty amazing, so this isn't coming out of nowhere.

Contacting Alex was super easy. I went through her email and she got back to me very fast. She let me know what was on the menu, which was everything, I told her what I was looking for and we moved on from there. Alex texted e throughout the day to make sure I was as comfortable as possible when we met and I liked that aspect you don't get it from a lot of providers whether PS or EC, so that was nice and unexpected. When I got at the hotel Alex had to come down and get me (fuckin key card elevator) and she came down looking hot from head to toe. High heels, short dress, and fresh makeup.

One we got into the room, we spoke for awhile about her social media and just how much of a nerd we both are. Seriously, Alex takes being a nerd to another level more specifically an anime nerd.

After speaking for a bit both before and after, I realize Alex is a very cool person. I asked her about all the things I saw in her social media and she told me it was just her being as transparent as possible. Alex's personality is nerdy, corky, and all around generous person.

Anyway, Alex fucked my brains out. I mean full own made it to the point where it became one of the best sexual experiences of my life. That being sad, go and read the review I put in the review section and you'll see what I'm talking about. Read on Pervs!

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