Will we ever have TRUE AI companions?


Staff member
I thought about this all day. I LOVE new tech and I would LOVE TRUE AI sex dolls but WILL it ever happen? Is the market too niche?

I mean, alone the price of development of the AI, TRUE AI, costs the company a fortune and then they have to assemble the doll with all sorts of mini motors and chips inside of it. Then they have to market the product which also costs a lot etc etc.

"Harmony" a sex doll made by RealDoll has a price point of $10,000 but the price can be jump to a cool $12,500 depending on your needs.
That price is indeed justified if you take into account how much it probably takes to make just ONE doll - from start to finish.

Elon Musk is currently working on a consumer version of the "Tesla bot" with reportedly cost $20,000. It´s not exactly made to kiss you.

Sex doll/AI companions is a whole different story because it would need to be as close to a real life woman as possible and that takes ALOT of effort.
The creators of these dolls would need to make sure that it would move its lips in sync with it´s audio. Another HUGE obstacle to address would be to get the doll to WALK like a person.

Given that all of these challenges needs to be solved, I would indeed say that a fully functioning doll would cost around $20,000-25,000.

I don´t know if we will ever get to buy an AI sex doll that is FULLY functioning - one can only hope.
