Why "Sugarbabes" is not worth it


Staff member
Ever since I gave up all contact with my former sugarbabe with the help from you gentlemen (which I am very thankful for), I have given up on sugarbabes completely.
There is a number of reasons for that.

One of the reason is pretty obvious and that is that no matter what, wether it will be in a month or two or even 5 years, these sugar relationships will always crumble and end in a potential heartbreak. So, if you're like me and get attached quite easily, these "relationships" is definitely not for you,

The other reason that you will have that consistent feeling of jealousy because every SD wants his girl for himself. I know that from first-hand experience, as well as having spoken with quite a few SD´s about their experiences with the whole "sugar" thing.
A sugarbabe doesn't JUST have you giving her whatever she wants, she has 5-6-7 guys that gives her what she wants.

Third reason is that no matter what, they won´t quit for you (or for anyone, for that matter) and why would they. They get SHOWERED with everything from handbags to cash to guys paying their entire rent.
Even Asa Akira wouldn't quit even for a guy who could give her everything.

So, from now on, it´s all escorts for me and nothing more.
Anyway, just some advice from a guy who had his heart broken by a sugarbabe.