Who the Fuck Writes This?


Staff member
This is the type of thing I wake up to. As I prepare for the day ahead, I typically go through my phone to check anything related to our hobby, and this was one of the very first things I saw today: the weirdest initial email I've ever come across in this community to date.

Without delving too much into the details of this email, WTF?

There's honesty, and then there's whatever this guy is doing. The email starts off nicely enough; he provides the provider with a day, time, and location he'd like to meet. Then, he launches into this giant tangent about his wife and kids, followed by how long he wants the visit to be and what he'd like the provider to wear when they meet.

All together, classy. Which one of these doesn't belong? Yup! The long-winded explanation about his actual life. It makes no sense to let the provider know that your wife is out of town or your kids will be asleep while you're having sex in the other room. All of this is just extra information that is not needed in the initial email or any other email for that matter.

Now, the only reason I can see a client doing something like this is for fetish reasons. I believe this person gets off on going behind his wife's back and seeing a provider in his family's home. Almost like the act of getting caught makes it exciting. I don't really see the excitement in this, especially when your kid is in the next room, but I have heard of this type of thing.

Screenshot 2024-03-16 102022.png
Obviously, the provider didn't appreciate the email since she doxxed him. Whether he was worth doxxing is another story. However, her stance on it does have me thinking about her mindset.