Viagra and Cialis Pill Surplus


Master member
I'm reaching out to this community to see what you gentleman do with your surplus of Viagra and Cialis pills. I have an amazing primary care physician who provides me prescriptions to both Viagra and Cialis. I take them because my hard on is at about 75% strength without the pills and 110% with the pills. Makes me feel like I have a 20 year old hard on again and man can I fuck with these pills.

I get 6 pills a month and prescribed to take as needed which means taken before my session with a pornstar. On average I only see one girl a month. Unless I take a business trip like the one I'm about to take to Vegas and then it's like one pill for each night I have a date lined up. So on the regular, I have 5 pills left over and a new refill coming.

I currently have a 3 month surplus of Viagra pills and I'm just curious if any of you are also experiencing this. The pills are good for a year from the fill date but I'm not sure if I'll ever use them all since I get 6 new pills in a few weeks.