The police raiding the place as you're laying there..


Staff member
That happened to me just last week. I was meeting up with a very delicate South American chica in an upscale neighborhood in the Greater Copenhagen area.

Nothing seemed "fishy" or off. Business as usual, the usual hello, kiss on the cheeks and then the money exchanged owner.

We had both taken our clothes off and were cuddling in bed and I was about to eat her out WHEN suddenly we heard that someone was knocking on the door and they didn't stop.

This particular small house had two girls in it, so her friend opened the door. It turned out to be the police. Two gentlemen in the 40´s with badges and all.

Both women got arrested because they were here illegally. I would really have appreciated if they could just have waited another 15 minutes to arrest them but that is that.

I was just told to get dressed and head out by the cops. It´s legal to buy sex for us clients here in the second happiest country in the world. Perhaps that's why, because prostitution is legal, that we're happy. Who knows.

Anyway, has this ever happened to you guys?

I was fairly happy that the "raid" didn't happen in America. I would surely have received a fine and maybe a month or two in prison.