That time Gag Factor was sued


Staff member
In 2007, "Gag Factor" was thrust into the spotlight when it was sued by the DOJ for distributing obscene material.
The DOJ aimed to enforce federal obscenity laws, arguing that "Gag Factor's" explicit content violated community standards of decency.

The lawsuit against "Gag Factor" centered on whether its explicit content violated community standards of decency. Prosecutors argued that the material was obscene, while the defense claimed it was protected under the First Amendment.
This case brought significant attention to the complex interplay between free speech and regulation of adult entertainment. The trial underscored the subjective nature of obscenity, emphasizing the phrase "taken as a whole" in assessing the value of "controversial" content.

The lawsuit against Gag Factor and its parent company, JM Productions, concluded with a significant ruling in favor of the defendants.

Just thought it was pretty funny that they would use the courts time and essentially taxpayer money for this totally and utterly irrelevant case.
