Serious Crackdown on New York Sex Work After This.....


Staff member
Denisse Oleas-Arancibia, a 38-year-old mother, was found dead in a New York City hotel room, believed to be a victim of homicide. Suspected to be a sex worker, she suffered head trauma and strangulation. Authorities are investigating, and a male suspect is identified. Oleas-Arancibia's son described her as hardworking and devoted to her family. The case highlights issues of violence and exploitation.

The article mentions Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, New York, as a known area for prostitution, often referred to as New York City's new 'red light district.' It describes the street as a hub for sex work, particularly among Venezuelan migrants, and notes that it has become overrun with individuals offering sex services openly in what is called the 'Market of Sweethearts.'

Roosevelt Avenue has been appearing more and more in the papers, showcasing the negative yet accurate sides of providing. With the influx of migrants making New York their home, with no choice but to turn to sex work, certain types of clients are taking advantage of that.

These are clients who know that these sex workers don't know the ins and outs of the job. The clients prey and do the worst things imaginable with the sex workers' cries falling on deaf ears.

There is no doubt LE will find this piece of shit and lock him up for life. What also comes out of this is a heavy crackdown on all New Yorkers, whether in or around sex workers. My advice as a client: make sure you're doing your homework on the provider you're interested in seeing if you're in the New York area, and stay away from Roosevelt Avenue.

Daily Mail Article