Preparing and grooming for a date


Master member
I saw a post from a year ago that touched on this but I’ve been wondering what kind of prep work goes into a date for other guys here. Forgetting about the travel plans, time off work, family subterfuge, testing, cash, gifts, etc. that may need to be considered for some, I assume we all take certain care of ourselves to be clean and respectful to the girls. Here’s what I do from a personal grooming standpoint.

I make sure my fingernails are trimmed short and neatly a day or 2 before, without any jagged edges so I don’t accidentally cut the girl anywhere. I currently keep a beard so I make sure that’s neatly trimmed the morning of or the night before, and remove all stubble around it.

I always shower as close as possible to the date and try not to do any lengthy walks or sweating after the shower before seeing her. In one instance, I rented a separate hotel room for just an hour so I could shower right before my date without having to take time away from my booking. In my most recent booking, I needed to shower when I got to her room due to unavoidable sweat from an unplanned walk.

I bring a change of clothes just in case, baby wipes, and a travel toothbrush and toothpaste to use as close to the date as possible (twice I brushed in a bathroom at Penn Station), and if our date is near mealtime but we’re not eating together, I’ll pack a banana and eat it right before I brush my teeth so my stomach doesn’t growl when we’re together.

And most importantly, if I don’t trim down there, I grow a pretty thick bush, so I decided before my first date that I’d shave the hair on my shaft and balls as short as I could without injuring myself. I wasn’t very careful the first time, and nicked myself a couple of times. That fucking hurts so I learned my lessons quickly. I’ve gotten good at it and now shave almost everything off and keep whatever stubble is left over very, very short. I’ve gotten unsolicited compliments from 3 of my 4 providers on how well I had trimmed and 2 of them thanked me for being considerate of them.

Does anyone else have any preparation routines they always do, or things you do differently than I do, or anything you’d add to the list?