Post AVN blue Balls


Master member
So this story is to help everyone that has never been to a huge convention like AVN Or Exxxotica.
AVN weekend in Vegas is a logistical nightmare for everyone evolved so Imagine you are a horny guy and you know that this last weekend Vegas will be stocked with your favorite adult performers. Flights to Vegas are cheap, Hotels not so much but you say what the heck I am going for it. 
Get to Vegas and you start the hunt, and you reach out only to find that performers are booked for events and booth signings party hosting, blog shows, Shoots and even the occasional fan meeting cause they happen to have a spare hour SOMEWHERE between eating and sleeping. 
You strike out at every turn then start reaching out to your favorite agency almost begging to see someone cause you spent all this money to come to town and see your dream girl. Only to be turned down once again due to scheduling issues.
This morning you fly back home balls blue and bank account depleted. 
I post this short story as an example of what not to do...4 men are dealing with this exact issue this morning that I know of (I am sure there are more) PLEASE plan ahead and get your info and schedule locked down before you decide to do spur of the moment things...those things almost never work out
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