Pornhub Monetization Just Maybe a Godsend


Staff member
Just two days after dropping their nominees for the Pornhub Awards, the platform sent out a mass email to all of its creators. This email has been reaching all creators on Pornhub's platform, regardless of whether they're amateurs or pornstars, and everyone is giving their two cents on the new requirements implemented.

For as long as Pornhub has been a platform, content creators have used it to their hearts' content. In basic terminology, you made content, you dropped the content on the platform, and the more views it got, the more you were paid based on the worth of those views. An adult version of Youtube in a way. All one had to do was sit back and pretty much make money off the revenue they got from their content views. This was until Pornhub added their new requirements.

I don't know the entirety of the email Pornhub sent out, but the gist of it tells creators they'll have to drop at least a 7-minute video before April to continue earning revenue on the platform. If they don't, then they will lose the ability to earn revenue on the platform, and supposedly, all their videos will have to be this long in the future.

Many content creators, big and small, have made their hatred for this new rule loud and clear. Many believe a 7-minute video is too long and that it defeats the purpose of drawing fans to their official pages. All of them don't understand that with the little money they get from Pornhub as it is, these 7-minute videos are having many creators running to the next best thing.

My thoughts on the matter: This can be a big win for the hobby. With creators leaving Pornhub, they'll most likely move to the next big platform that pays the same, and as far as I know, there aren't a whole lot of platforms that were paying as well as Pornhub was. I say we'll be seeing an influx of providers in the coming months looking to make up for the money they lose with Pornhub. Now if only OnlyFans would do something like this.
