
Staff member
This is no one above the power of verification and this proves it all. Rapper Trippe Red was shut down by EC Olivia Sinclair for trying to book without verifying himself first.

Olivia hasn’t been spoken much in the forum, but in brief description. She’s an elite companion who has an excellent service and looks like the PAWG of your dreams. These two traits aren’t rare in our hobby, but I’m guessing she’s my popular in other aspects. Hear her BBBJs are pretty legendary.

For the those who don’t know Trippe Red. He’s a pretty famous rapper who’s made a name for himself with music, but hasn’t had a hit in awhile. I wouldn’t know myself, I’m not a fan of his music.

Somehow Trippe thought he was special since he didn’t have to verify, but Olivia shit that down pretty fuxkin’ quick. it didn’t look like he was phase by Olivia exposing him on social media since he’s pretty much expose himself. Still, I’d not know if this makes Olivia look good or bad. One hand, she’s riding the clout off of being exposed with Trippe since he wants to do it to himself. On the other, this shows she can’t keep things to herself discrediting her looks on privacy.

Either way, check this shit out. Go through the comments.

Olivia/Trippe Red Situation

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