New Developments in the STI Outbreak


Active member
So I'm reading that one of the main advocate groups for health and safety of the adult industry is calling for a production hold for 7 days, and a testing facility in Florida has detected a new strain of chlamydia that appears to be exclusive to the Florida area for the time being, and most testing facilities like TTS appear to not have the ability to detect this strain with their current tests. 
My question to the room is, does this kind of thing give you pause or will it deter you from seeing a provider for the time being? For me personally, I wasn't in the business of hunting for BBFS as it was, but I know it is a preference for some and I think the majority expect at the very least BBBJ, so this is an interesting wrinkle to monitor.
 I also did mention in a previous post on the forums asking what some of your thoughts are on asking a provider for their test results adn to update, I did ask, but it kind of seemed like a big to do for the provider, and I got a response to the extent of well if you must I can show you my results. Now I'm wondering if it's a moot point if there's always going to be that what if of something going undetected and flying under the radar.

Sorry for the long-winded post but just wanted to see what everyones thoughts were.
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