Making Headway STDs/STIs


Staff member
At this point this would be our third or fourth STD spike this year and at the rate we're going it won't be our last. Talent Testing Service TTS dropped some serious stats for the STD trends that have been plaguing the adult industry and hobby alike and some stars are beginning to notice it.

Screenshot 2023-08-13 000302.png

The main STDs that are being looked over are Chlamydia, Gonorrhea (GC), Trichomonas Vaginalis, Mycoplasma Genitalium, and Chlamydia & GC (Throat & Rectal). These are the main STDs adult actors and actress are worrying about in the industry, which mean we should be worrying just as much. We may not be as active as they are, but some if not all of us have seen PS providers and will do so as time goes long. Best we be prepared as much as possible.

Now, the Chlamydia, GC, and Trichomonas, has either gone down or has been with expectations for the last couple of months. GC has gone up by a small percentage but is in rate TTS saw coming, so there's no exact harm there. Chlamydia in the urine has grown since 2022 though not enough to give a big scare it can be considered as a thought as time passes. Finally, Trichomonas in the urine has gone done some for women and still almost zero for men, though compared to the next two it's nothing to worry about.

Mycoplasma Genitalium has gone up in man these last couple of months. This is one test that's being monitored weekly for its trend. This is mainly found amongst men, so not to many of us need worry but women have been know to have this and pass it on. For those who don't know, this is just a bacteria that attaches it's self to you making things like peeing, sex, and basically moving painful. You may not even know you have it and it can clear itself up on it's own, but it's best to not tempt fate and catch it.

The Chlamydia and GC focusing on throat and rectal has taking a strange turn. For women it's gone done to basically zero, but for the men it's rise significantly since 2022. It's fairly obvious why the men's rate are growing, but that doesn't mean we all shouldn't be careful. These diseaes are real and can really fuck up your life if you aren't making sure to keep yourself safe in this hoppy.

If you're BB make sure....

  • Your provider has a violate test. TTS are located in major cities. They're expensive but are worth it.
  • There's a code you can scan on the test to make sure it's real. Do be lazy, scan the code.
  • Be sure you're both clean. I know we hate taking showers at the session, but it helps.
  • If you got a turtleneck on your member clean that shit. I've got one so I know how dirty it can get.
I know everyone is going to have there opinion on the matter, so feel free to comment.
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