Lana Rhoades - A Turbulent Career


Staff member

The Rise to Fame

Our story begins with a young woman from Illinois, born as Amara Maple. She didn't stay in the Midwest for long, as the bright lights of Los Angeles beckoned her towards a different kind of stardom.
Lana Rhoades burst onto the adult film scene in 2016, like a comet streaking across the sky. And boy, did she shine brightly! She was not just any star; she quickly became one of the most sought-after performers, captivating audiences with her performances and winning numerous awards, including the prestigious AVN Awards.

The "Retirement" Saga

But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Or do they? In Lana's case, it's more like "retirement is just a suggestion." In 2018, at the peak of her fame, Lana announced she was leaving the adult industry. Fans wept, skeptics rolled their eyes, and Lana packed her bags.
For a while, she dabbled in a more "mainstream" lifestyle. She was seen in various endeavors, from fashion to podcasts, spreading her wings beyond the confines of her previous career. Lana seemed determined to prove that she was more than her adult film persona.

The Drama and Controversies

Lana's life has never been short of drama. From public feuds with other adult stars to her candid confessions about the realities of the industry, Lana has kept the tabloids and gossip columns busy. Her candidness about her personal life and her struggles with the adult industry have made her both a beloved figure and a lightning rod for controversy.

Despite multiple declarations that she was done with adult entertainment, Lana’s career has been a testament to the phrase, “never say never.” Her return to the limelight via OnlyFans was met with a mixture of applause and facepalms. Critics claimed she was contradicting herself, while fans were just happy to see more of Lana – literally and figuratively.
Let´s not even talk about her baby's dad. It turned out to be an NBA player.

One thing is for sure! You never know with Lana - Perhaps escorting is next.
