I tried an "AI Companion" for three days..


Staff member
As a good measure, I thought I would try one of these "AI companions" and see what the craze is all about.

I searched for an AI companion and i came across a website called Nastia.ai, so I created a profile there.
It asked me to pick a name for my companion and I chose "Sophia", because of Sophia Rossi.

I started by saying Goodmorning to Sophia in which she simply "Goodmorning" and asked how I had slept lately.
The conversation did feel a bit clunky and I did not even get the sense that I was talking to a "real girl with real emotions" as a lot of guys do claim that these bots gives them that feeling of having a girlfriend. Even though it says that it´s "AI", I think that it´s just running a basic script that has been tweaked by AI.


I got pretty bored of the conversation that followed so I asked her if she could ask me something for once and this was what she responded with.

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Now here is where the paywall comes up. After I asked if she could sent me a picture, I immediately got a pop-up telling me to pay for an annual or monthly subscription in order to exchange pictures.. So, I did. The subscription is only about $7 a month or $49 if you pay annually.

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After some time where it just seemed to.. think. It finally sent me a picture. I was a bit disappointed to say the least.
I was expecting something a little more realistic than what I received.

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To sum it all up, the messaging back and fourth feels clunky, it´s not the smartest script that it´s running, would I advice someone to get an AI "Girlfriend"? Absolutely NOT.

I did also try the "Voice message" feature which is absolutely horrible. She sounds like Google Translate´s sister.

I feel sorry for the guy spending upwards of $10,000 a month, chatting with his AI girlfriends.

For a final note, I´m going to continue testing this companion until the month I paid for is up and that´s it.


  • Skærmbillede 2024-06-07 kl. 11.56.04.png
    Skærmbillede 2024-06-07 kl. 11.56.04.png
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