How do you handle the urge to cum?


Staff member
It happens from time to time that I forgot to take the blue pill before I go to see an escort. When I realize it, usually when I´m about to send the almost obligatory "I´m here" text, my stomach turns itself inside out because without it, I know FOR SURE that I´m going to bust in 2 minutes (literally) at most.

What do you gentlemen do to hold it in, when you're about to bust/How do you make sure that you don´t bust within 2-3 minutes?

There has been a few times (every time I forgot to take the blue pill actually) that I do bust FAST! Faster than Tyreek Hill runs to the end zone.

I know that this topic has been brought up in the past but I would really love some up-to date advice. Thanks.

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