Has Anyone seen BlahGigi?


Staff member
I've known about BlahGigi for some time now. She'd come up in conversations without warning, and at first, I was pretty enthusiastic to hear that she was providing; at first. Now, that enthusiasm has subsided.

I don't know much about Gigi since she's extremely popular in the world of Instagram and through word of mouth. From what I can gather or remember, Gigi started out as a model on Instagram and was featured on sites like Worldstar Hip Hop. When OnlyFans became a thing, she blew up very fast as she used the curves she has to her advantage. From there, she's worked with every model or recording rap artist you can think of, extending her catalog even further.

When I say Gigi is popular through word of mouth, I mean it's the typical scenario with Instagram models who provide. You can't really see too many without actual footwork from other models.

The reviews I've heard about Gigi aren't the best. Some are telling me she lacks giving out any real connection, while others are also saying she doesn't do much during the session and just lays there. My thought process, or at least what I'm hoping, is that some of these reviews are wrong and Gigi is somehow fun when you meet her. I've heard of providers being downright unenjoyable in sessions just because, and I'd like Gigi not to be that type

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