Happy Monday Lets welcome some new ladies to the Tryst Family


Master member
So first we will talk about Remy. She really needs no introduction and has been UTR with me for awhile. HOWEVER with her band new pictures she just had done she is coming out loud and proud and letting the world know she is available (while also keeping her entire name out of the search engines)
Remy will be making her first tour ever in NYC July 15-20 and its not something you should miss out on

Now for the long awaited debut of Kelsey Kane. You all have been busting my hump about when she will be on the site well here she is. She FINALLY got her images to me and I got them up first thing this morning when I got to my desk. Cause I know you poon hounds chow down new info like a fat kid eating cake

Photo Mar 16 2024, 10 53 44 AM.jpg
This woman's body is amazing and it shows. Her dedication to the gym and all the cardio she gets from fucking in her scenes seems to be paying off.

Show both these ladies some love.......I am gonna get back to making dreams come true one email at a time