Happy Belated Birthday Day to Lena The Plug


Staff member
It took me a hell of a long time to see it, but LenaThePlug is pretty damn attractive. I've always known, I mean of you're shooting as she does no doubt you have to look good. It just took much longer to really see how good she looks and the new recent photo at her birthday party probably helped push that along. Fucking sucks she doesn't provide.

Just for inference, I was and still am not a fan of Lena's scenes. I haven't seen any of her Plug Talk scenes and to this day haven't watched the scene with Jason Luv. There's no chance I'll watch any of her scenes even after writing this, because for some reason even with the little clips I've seen of the Plug Talk prior to the sex scene; it didn't really do anything for me. Still, to each their own.

I could be simpin right now. I don't plan on signing up for her Onlyfans or anything like that. This is just purely I'm trying to see what that mouth and body can do. That is all.

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