For OF Clients: Jessica Gianna


Staff member
Jessica Gianna might be one of the rarest I've come across in the hobby especially for being a Canadian provider. I've always known when you compare Canada to the U.S providers Canada ultimately come out on top, if not for the providers being more humble then for the pure sexiness that for some reason isn't here in the states. As you can see, Jessica proves that point. Jessica is a very beautiful woman who really puts a lot of U.S providers to shame almost without really trying. I caught a free promotion Gianna was doing a month back (only time i subscribe to an OF) and was pretty amaze by her content. Not so much for the content, but for what the content shows can be possible in the session.

Twitter: @GiannaV6969

Jessica is based in Vancouver, Canada. The website on her Twitter bio doesn't work, but I haven't ruled if that was a red flag or not. I've emailed for the rates, so when I know EA will know.

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