Europe is THE place to be if you love escorts!


Staff member
I´m from Denmark and im really happy that prostitution is legal here, as well as in the majority of Europe.
I don't have to look over my shoulder, like I would constantly do when seeing an escorts, the times I was in the US.

A big plus in Europe compared to the US is that the girls knows what they are worth and do not overcharge like a lot of escorts in America does (im talking about regular escorts, not pornstars). A thing that also blows my mind is the fact that bare blowjobs aren't a standard in the US.

I like America and im going to keep visiting America but escort wise, It´s not worth it.

I know that the majority of you are from the US, so I want to know, have you ever been to a country in Europe and what do you think about the escorts over here?
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