Escort Rules to Live By, Rules #14: No Means No


Staff member
I saw a providers tweet the other day and she talked about how she saw a client and in the middle of their session the client decided to take liberties of their own going against already spoken about rules. The client did ask these questions before meeting the provider but still felt incline to go ahead after it was specified these acts were not on the table. It’s easy to say the provider left the location and put him in the Blacklist. 

There aren’t many things escorts won’t do but they have to be told before hand to get their minds and bodies ready for anything. A client doing things, like forcing anal, kissing, deepthroat, or recording a session without the providers consent, all has to be worked out prior to the meet and deliberately ignoring those rules (regardless if it’s in the heat of the moment or not) makes yourself look bad and spoils it for future clients. 
If a provider tells you she won’t do something in your session then you take that for what it is, they don’t have to agree to anything they aren’t comfortable with or that could hurt them in the long run. There are many providers who are up for certain acts and will oblige your needs however far fetch it may be. Understand this is the best way to get yourself blacklisted. 
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