Escort Rules to Live By, Rule #4: Dress Code


Staff member
Remember when we would dress up to fly on airplanes? Men would have a nice suit on, fresh tie with a white button down shirt, it was a privilege to fly from point A to B riding something so magnificent as an airplane. Overtime flying became less of a luxury and more of a form of public transportation, seeing a man in a suit let alone jeans is a rare sight instead you see T-shirts and sweatpants sitting next to you. This isn’t anyone’s fault time changes things and unfortunately it changed the dress code for flying, but I’ll die a million times over before I allow any of you pervy bastards to dress like your going to the nearest Walmart when visiting an escort.

Whether you know it or not, you are making a first impression on a woman you’re going to be screwing and the last thing she wants to see walk in her room is a guy dress like his mom picked out his clothes. Before you even say anything your escort is already gauging you within the first seconds of you walking through the door, all of her thoughts centering around what you’re wearing and it can very much decided the kind of experience your going to have. To see a sloppy man walk through their door with wrinkled clothes, sneakers, and a stretched collar, the escort is going to give you want you payed for but don’t expect her to put her all into it, why should she? You don’t care about how you look, why should she care about your dick. Now, if you were to walk through the door wearing freshly ironed clothes with shoes (not sneakers) the escort would be more entitled to go the extra mile; maybe even let you go GREEK.

When I say dress nice I don’t mean go to your appointment with a tailored suit or anything like that. Casual or business casual is fine, just don’t walk into her room like your begging for spare change. The clothes don’t make the man, but the nicer the clothes the more ass the man will receive. Just a thought fellas.