Escort Rules to Live By, Rule #13: Scheduling


Staff member
This rule should have came out a long time ago and it’s very dumb on my part that it wasn’t. This rule isn’t so much common sense, but it’s something that is self taught overtime and best learned before jumping into the hobby. Scheduling, this is a factor that has multiple parts, because when you take scheduling into consideration you’re think about your time when you should be thinking about the providers time as well.

When scheduling your appointment it’s best to always do this at least a week in advance. It’s extremely rare for a provider to see you same day, because most likely they’ll have an appointment already scheduled. Unless you’re willing to pay more then there original fee canceling one appointment for another doesn’t make sense on their part and it creates bad business for them. Once you find that provider it’s best to know where they will be, if they’re a frequent tourist staying in one place for to long isn’t there thing. The provider will have their tour dates posted somewhere for you to see whether that’s social media or their website, it’s not hard to find. 

Now, above everything scheduling you have to understand the canceling an appointment. When you cancel an appointment you aren’t just wasting your deposit and paying a cancellation fee, you are taking money out of your providers mouth. That provider scheduled you around their time with the guarantee of you seeing them and with that guarantee comes payment, when you cancel on them they lost money that could have been made with bother client. Emergency’s happen no one says they don’t, if that’s the case then you chalk that up to bad luck and take a rain check.

I’m conclusion, just be aware of your scheduling. Not only if your time but your providers also.