Eagles Might Need a New Linebacker


Staff member
I swear, we can't go a day without some kind of sex scandal coming up, and I love it. It shows some of these celebrities need to either learn from us veterans or just stay out of the hobby altogether. I'm talking about American Football Philadelphia Linebacker, Terrell Lewis. Terrell doesn't make too many headlines in the sports world, but he definitely will with this.

Right now, provider and content creator Mia Mercy is posting a video of a client who's supposedly Terrell Lewis running out before paying his rate. Mia is not the most well-known provider, but she is known by many in the hobby and is famous for giving a nice BJ with that tongue of hers. For more on Mia, you can check out "For OF Clients: Mia Mercy."

I have no idea if the man running away is Terrell Lewis or not. When you look at the video, the client is covering their head with a hoodie, so you can't see their face at all. The woman running after the client is indeed Mia; you can tell by the butterfly tattoo located on her right butt cheek. There also seems to be another provider there. We don't know who that is, but it seems that the client either had a duo or the other provider just walked in on them. Providers often share a room when they're on tour, so this isn't unheard of.

My two cents: If this is Terrell Lewis, what the fuck is he doing not paying his provider? I don't know the man's financials, but when you're a linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles, you're getting paid more than enough to see a provider. He may not be getting @oc.businessman.33 money, but still enough. Last I checked, Mia is $1,500 an hour, which is average these days. Some might say that rate is a little much for Mia, but to each their own.

I really need to know if this man is Terrell. I'm not saying Mia is lying because, as far as I can see, she doesn't have a reason to other than clout. Even if she did want the clout, she could have easily picked someone with a little more celebrity status. So, I guess we'll see how this plays out.

All together though, I don't condone a provider dropping a client on the internet, but when they run out without paying their rate, what do you expect?

Clips is below.

Video Clip

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