Does No Meets mean "No Meets"


Staff member
If there's one thing I've learned from my years on this earth, it's that when a woman says no, it means no. This lesson has been ingrained in us growing up, and the "Me Too" era has solidified that phrase. Being in the hobby for as long as I have, it makes sense that this principle transfers over and carries even more weight. Now that I'm no longer a "civilian" and navigate this world, the word "no" means more than ever. However, I'm beginning to understand that it isn't necessarily taken as seriously as I thought.

Let me be clear: if a woman says no, then it means no. I'm not trying to loophole anything or confuse anyone into thinking taking advantage of another person is okay without consent. I'm mainly talking about the famous "No Meets" we often see in social media bios. This tells you everything you need to know about this person and what not to ask before sliding into their DMs. However, this phrase has been losing its meaning the more I dive into the hobby, as the women who say "No Meets" are often the same women who provide services openly.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 202920.pngFor instance, let's take Kendra Kashmare. Her bio clearly states "No Meets" with two emojis signifying she's serious about not seeing clients. That's fine—if she doesn't want to see clients, all we can do is respect that and move on. However, in the next screenshot, you can see her agreeing with another provider on the importance of screening clients, mentioning how without it, she could be putting her career in jeopardy.

One might think she’s talking about meeting new content creators, which is possible, but it seems far-fetched.

If Kendra is providing, that's great, and if not, that's fine. I just find it a little confusing for clients looking to book time with her only to see the big "No Meets" as the first thing they see. This can be said for many providers—some who have changed their bio and others who still leave it up.

This makes it significantly harder for us to book and increases the risk of making mistakes that lead to assumptions. I hope some of these women understand this, given the sensitivity of today's world. One wrong word can get any of us blacklisted, doxxed, or both, and that's the last thing any of us want.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 202855.pngYou all be careful out there. Just because some women choose to have this in their bio and still provide services, doesn't mean they all do. "No Meets" can actually mean "No Meets." Don't go jumping into every woman's DMs. Do your research before contacting these women and you should be fine. Have fun, Pervs!