Common Sense, It's Not Hard


Staff member
I don't know why I have to say this, but I keep forgetting how common sense works. What's common sense to one person isn't common sense to all. What one person perceives as right, another may think is wrong. However, people know the difference between right and wrong, in my opinion (IMO). When you do something stupid, you know you're doing it for a reason, and in this case, this person did something really stupid.

This person decided to use information that was given to the community in the worst way possible. I'm not going to say what it is, but this information was used to harass a provider. The way this person harassed this provider is in the most vile way one can. The worst part about it is they did it because they couldn't get in contact with the booker. Instead of taking the loss and moving on to the next provider like a normal person, they decided to do the dumbest thing one can do in this hobby. Even dumber than outing a provider on their OnlyFans.

So, I want this to be known, and I hope the crotch rocket that is this person sees this.


Learn how to take a fucking loss. Instead of being a normal client and moving on to the next provider, you decided to harass this person using the very information willingly given in. Yes, I know it's common to bring up things you've seen online to providers, but you decided to use said information to involuntarily harass them. Are you dense? Do you know this could have easily caused the provider to retire? Just from this one act alone.

I don't get it! I understand a fixation, but going well into someone's personal life is weird. Find another hobby: garden, knit, go fucking boating, or whatever. Just don't ruin a provider's life and by extension the rest of ours. We enjoy this hobby and actually know how to navigate it correctly. Let us live while you go fishing or some shit.

Okay. Rant over.
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