Buying & Sharing P411 Accounts


Staff member
Something that I believe deserves attention today is P411. Specifically, clients actually buying and sharing P411 accounts. To me, this seems like the best and most idiotic way for a client to get blacklisted.

If you don't have a P411 account, then you probably don't know that the site pretty much revolves around "Okays." These "okays" tell you who's safe to see, who's worth seeing, and whether the person in the profile picture is genuine. This works both ways between clients and providers. If you have a certain number of "okays," then whether you're a client or provider, your guard is down, so to speak.

What I didn't know was that clients were selling and buying accounts in order to see providers. This has to be the dumbest thing you can do if you're in this hobby, and I really don't see the upside of doing this.

From my thought process, the only real reason to do something like this is to avoid the verification process. However, having "okays" on P411 does not mean you get to bypass the verification process. Some will argue that having an account is the verification process, but because of morons who pay and share their accounts, that can no longer be the case. In my opinion, this makes the site almost useless.

Doing this not only creates more trust issues between clients and providers but also makes the verification process even more extensive. This, in turn, will result in more angry clients because they can't get past the initial email without going through the verification process. It's a vicious cycle.

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My thoughts: If you want to go through the P411 process of seeing a provider, at least do it safely—pay for the damn account. Yes, it's expensive, trust me I know, but ultimately, it'll help you in the long run, along with like-minded individuals like you. Buying or sharing is just a great way to get yourself blacklisted or worse, doxxed. Be fucking smart.