Being Turned Off in Booking Process (Feedback Appreciated)


Hello Everyone,
i would love to get feedback on this if possible. I started the process to book a provider, but i have become turned off by how it is gone - am i off base here? I'm considering no longer pursuing the booking - if i'm not crazy here what would be the best way to end it?
Here's the summary:
1) sent provider an introductory e-mail introducing myself, giving reference info & inquiring about getting together at end of october (yes i know it's weeks in advance but i can't meet sooner due to it being a really busy time at work)
2) provider responds saying she would love to meet me & asks for specific dates i had in mind
3) i reply with a few different options
4) provider replies & says she will get back to me later that night - she just needs to check to see if she has any october tour dates with her partner
5) 13 days goes by without a reply so i send a follow up e-mail to the provider to see if a meeting is still possible
6) another weeks goes by without a response so i send one last e-mail to ask if something happened to make her no longer want to see me & if so i would understand but i convey that i would still love to get together with her & throw out a potential day
7) provider replies within a couple hours & simply says i'd love to see you on the day mentioned let me know what time
8) i reply later that night with two different options based on travel schedule (i have to take a train to get there) asking which one she prefers
9) a week has gone by without a response from the provider
at this point i am feeling she is disinterested & to be honest i am feeling disinterested as well from the chain of events above - am i being unreasonable? if so how do i snap out of it because at the ning i was so into seeing this girl 
if i'm not being unreasonable what is the nicest / politest way to convey i'm no longer interested in booking a date with her?
thanks so much
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